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Could you defend yourself against a bigger, stronger attacker?

Combat Objective Battle Ready Application is a self-defense system that teaches safety through awareness skills, preventative defense, hands-on defense, escape techniques, vehicle anti-abduction and voice confidence in a way that is realistic for anyone to utilize in order to defend themselves against a bigger, stronger attacker.


Private Class Options

Awareness is the only defense you control.  The greater your awareness, the lesser your risk for victimization.  Likewise, the lower your awareness, the greater the risk you place yourself in.  Women, children, elderly, disabled individuals, obese individuals and those working in professions such as real-estate, delivery drivers, restaurant workers, etc. are "soft targets", meaning they are more susceptible to being the victim of a crime due to their lack of ability to defend themselves against someone bigger and stronger.  Register yourself, your child, or even your parent for the next class or schedule a private class for you and your group.  You can also give the gift of self-defense to someone you love.

Loudoun Now Article on J FIT COBRA Self-Defense Jessica Hansen

Equalizing The Playing Field: Demand Surges for Self-Defense Classes for Loudoun Women and Girls

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